Email your MP urging them to support the potential SNP motion on “Gaza ceasefire” tabled for 21st February.

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Email your MP to support the SNP "Gaza ceasefire" motion tabled for 21st February

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Thank you for contacting your MP about this important issue.

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Tweet your MP to vote for a ceasefire at the vote on Parliament on Wednesday 21st Feb.

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Here are frequently asked questions on #CeasefireNow

Story so far.

Email your MP urging them to support the potential SNP motion on “Gaza ceasefire” tabled for 21st February.

The situation in Gaza is catastrophic. Israel has also displaced over 2 million, injured over 70,000 and killed over 30,000 people. Women and children are the greatest victims of Israeli onslaught.

On 21st February, a potential SNP "Gaza ceasefire" motion is tabled. Urge your MPs to support this by emailing them now.

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